cors, Inc. is a leader in scalable research driven solutions for your organization's individual or high volume hiring needs. We address your talent requirements with affordable and rapid solutions that reduce time-to-fill and cost-per-hire.
Research Based Solutions
A proven Formula that supports your Talent Needs
cors' fixed-price candidate-based and research-based recruitment solutions fit the requirements of your unique opportunities. Recruitment solutions for skilled, professional, highly specialized or key leadership positions are customized for your needs and generate results in 5-10 business days.
To form a successful partnership, we align our goals with your goals and don’t leave anything to chance.
cors' Talent Pipeline Recruitment Solutions assure the success of meeting your large-scale hiring needs without taking on the liability of additional permanent staffing. Pipelining through cors augments your recruiting staff, provides a continual flow of qualified candidates who meet your requirements, understand your culture, and want to work for you.
Every sucessful business strategy begins with a carefully mapped out plan.
Organizational Mapping is a powerful business intelligence tool used by your key decision makers who wish to obtain detailed competitor information, or acquire more in depth information about the organizational structure of companies operating in specific market sectors. Enhanced primary research pinpoints each individual in the charts responses to scenarios designed by the client and specific to the mission.